Classes at Tiny Tigers!

By limiting the amount of Tiny Tigers we have in each session we can ensure that the instructor/student ratio will always be small (1/6 max).

In addition to this there will always be a floating member of staff to assist if necessary ensuring that your child will always get the instruction and attention that they deserve. By being taught in such small groups you will see your Tiny Tiger progress week by week, and as they develop you will see their ambition and fun for life grow.

They will take part in team building games where they interact with others developing communication and leadership skills. Activities which involve regular exercise will develop their coordination and balance producing strong healthy individuals that are more likely to lead a healthy lifestyle avoiding health issues such as childhood obesity, diabetes and asthma. Concentration, focus, discipline and respect, are all part of the martial arts and by practicing them weekly your child will learn to respect everyone and everything and take pride in doing the right thing.

Memory games are designed to encourage creativity bringing out the confident personalities that are the Tiny Tigers. On top of all this your child will learn important martial art skills that will not only help them defend themselves should they ever get attacked, but more importantly develop a confident persona that will greatly reduce the risk of them being bullied.

When the Tiny Tigers reach 7yrs of age and they have achieved all the necessary skills, they will then be able to progress to our junior martial arts classes.